Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Communication Design - School Mapping System

For this project I had to convert architectural drawings into a simplistic colour coded map.
Each department is colour coded on each floor.

Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

MINIMALIST STYLE CINEMA POSTERS (The Best of British Crime Cinema)

Being a MASSIVE movie fan, I wanted to create a series of posters that would boast the excellence of British Cinema (very patriotic, I know). Below are some of my favourite British crime movies of all time. If you've seen any of them, you'll understand the designs. If you've not seen any of them, you... won't. Just watch them!


PJ Smoothies was in need of a re-brand. I came up with the idea of 'Refreshing Your Urban Spirit!'
The idea was to spray paint the walls of urban areas with organic fruit based paints, as a kind of guerrilla ad campaign. However some thought the idea was a bit too wacky and it wasn't chosen.
PJ Smoothies went bust that same year, If only they'd have gone with my idea.